Our service areas are arranged according to the strategic interest of our clients and collaborators, offering them complete development project services, consultancy in construction, finance and trade of photovoltaic solar generation plants.


All our projects are meticulously structured from the start by choosing the appropriate location, high radiation and profitable evacuation and also by applying the most demanding standards in environmental sustainability.


We generate value from the start, optimizing the projects from the technical, financial and legal point perspective aiming to deliver the highest reliability on plants’ construction and long-term execution to our partners and investors.

We execute the complete service in all developmental stages of a photovoltaic generation project with energy storage possibility.

  • Identification of suitable locations.
  • Location of efficient land.
  • Contractual negotiation of lease, surface right, usufruct or acquisition.
  • Identification and Processing of Evacuation Points.
  • Conceptual, basic and detail Engineering.
  • Processing and obtaining the Environmental License and sectorial permits.
  • Application for Network Access and obtaining the Technical Access Contract.
  • Obtaining Administrative and Execution Authorization.
  • Urban Qualification management.
  • Obtaining Construction License.
  • Analysis of energy trading alternatives.
  • Advise on Construction (EPC).
  • Hiring, Bidding and Management of EPC; Operation and Maintenance.

We direct project structuring in order to obtain our investors’ required profitability, reliability and guarantee in the stages of development, construction and commercial operation. We advise on the required financial actions.

  • Financial model generation (base case).
  • Road show with financial entities.
  • Negotiation of financial conditions and closing of financing.
  • Support in bank due diligence.
  • Obtaining equity.

We identify and advise on long term Purchase Power Agreements (PPAs), in accordance with financial entities in order to establish bankable PPAs.

We offer advise in renewable energy projects acquisition in all stages of development and operating assets. Assessment, financial evaluation, Due Diligence (technical, financial, legal and commercial), support in the negotiation and signing of contracts.


We develop photovoltaic solar energy projects in locations which benefit around 2,000 equivalent sunny hours per year in Spain, constituting one of the most privileged areas in Europe. These conditions favor a high yield to investment, even with sale of production to the spot market, PPAs, combinations and auctions.


We have a project portfolio of 1,500 MW in development in Spain. All of them, in their different stages (Brownfield, Greenfield and Ready-to-build), are meticulously structured from the technical, financial and legal perspective in order to provide the highest reliability in construction and execution of long term contracts to our investors.


We are a company founded at the end of 2016 with the strong commitment of developing renewable energy projects, focused on photovoltaic solar and wind  projects so as to contribute to a sustainable energy transition. Up to date, we have developed more than 1.5 GW in Spain which are currently in different development stages. Some of them are connected to the grid, others are in the phase of obtaining the Administrative Authorization, and the rest have already land agreements and positive access granted by REE.


We are currently present in Spain and Latin America and we aim to enter countries where renewable energy constitutes an economically viable answer to their increasing energy needs.


It was created from two professionals’ partnership with more than 30 year national and international experience in development, structuring, financing and project management of conventional and renewable energy. Our joint venture with strategic partners favors and boosts our expansion, providing a relevant financial strength to the company.


Our mission is to develop energy generation projects based on renewable, sustainable, manageable and profitable sources.


Francisco Poblador

Francisco Poblador Moreno

Founding Partner
Kiko_foto profesional_dic2020 (2) (1)

Francisco Cornet Burstedde

Founding Partner

Our internal team and collaborators, formed by engineers, economists, lawyers and advisors who work in coordination to maximize the value of our projects, is the basis of our success.



In our intense journey we have grown exponentially month by month, achieving outstanding results and very interesting medium and long term perspectives.


If you like to be part of an innovative, dynamic and professional team, we will be happy to get to know your work experience and ambitions in the promising world of renewable energy. Our goal is to have a team of highly talented and highly motivated professionals who share our vision of the sector. If you are like that, do not hesitate and send us your CV to


Our purpose is to maximize the benefit of the parties involved in the entire value chain of complex photovoltaic energy projects. With this objective we collaborate with a variety of external agents who provide high value to the projects.


One of our priority goals is the continuous acquisition of suitable land for the development of solar projects. We provide various alternatives for collaboration with the owners, always with the strong determination to deliver maximum value to their land.


+34 911 135 249

Av de la Carrera 3. 1ª planta. Oficina 1.

28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón. Madrid. Spain.

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